About odontogenic tumor
What is odontogenic tumor?
General Discussion
Ameloblastoma is a rare disorder of the jaw involving abnormal tissue growth. The resulting tumors or cysts are usually not malignant (benign) but the tissue growth may be aggressive in the involved area. On occasion, tissue near the jaws, such as around the sinuses and eye sockets, may become involved as well. The tissues involved are most often those that give rise to the teeth so that ameloblastoma may cause facial distortion. Malignancy is uncommon as are metastases, but they do occur.
What are the symptoms for odontogenic tumor?
These tumors can be benign or malignant, and can affect any part of the oral cavity, including the teeth, gingiva, jawbone, or soft tissues of the mouth.
If you have a benign tumor, you may notice one or more of the following symptoms:
- A lump or Swelling in your jawbone or gum area
- Painless Swelling of your gums and jawbone that doesn't go away after several weeks
- Tenderness in your jawbone or gums that lasts for more than two weeks
- Sores on the gums or inside the mouth (also known as oral ulcers)
- Swelling in your face or neck area
- Difficulty chewing or swallowing food
What are the causes for odontogenic tumor?
Aneurysmal bone cyst, which is caused by abnormal blood vessels in the jawbone
- Odontogenic abscesses and osteomyelitis, which are infections that develop when bacteria get into a tooth socket
- Odontoides tumors, which are benign (noncancerous) tumors that develop in bones around teeth
- Peripheral ossifying fibroma (POF), which is a benign noncancerous tumor that forms on jawbones
- Lagophthalmos (sleep eye), which is a condition where eyelids do not completely close during sleep
- Dentigerous cysts: These are benign lesions that contain a mixture of epithelial cells and connective tissue. They typically occur as a result of trauma or chronic inflammation of the gingiva (gums). Dentigerous cysts typically do not need treatment unless they become infected or interfere with speech or chewing.
- Odontomas: These are benign tumors that form from immature tooth structures. These can occur anywhere within the jaws, but they often develop on the roots of teeth that have been knocked out or extracted due to decay or injury. Odontomas usually do not require treatment unless they cause pain or other problems that interfere with eating, speaking, or sleeping habits.
What are the treatments for odontogenic tumor?
There are many treatment options for odontogenic tumors, ranging from the simplest to the most complex.
- If your doctor determines that it is benign, then you may only need to have it removed. However, if your tumor is malignant, your doctor might also recommend radiation therapy or chemotherapy.
- First and foremost, it is important to note that there are two kinds of odontogenic tumors: those that are benign and those that are malignant. Benign odontogenic tumors do not metastasize or spread to other parts of the body, while malignant ones can.
- The most common treatment option for benign odontogenic tumors is surgical removal. This should be done with a scalpel or laser, depending on the size of the tumor and its location within your mouth. The surgeon will then remove any remaining tissue from your jawbone or gums, though some patients may have some scarring after surgery.
- For malignant odontogenic tumors, radiation therapy may be used in addition to surgical removal if the tumor is large enough or if there is evidence it has spread beyond its initial location. Radiation therapy works by killing cancer cells with high-energy X-rays that penetrate deep into tissues without damaging healthy tissue nearby. Radiation therapy can also be used as a stand-alone treatment if surgery isn't an option due to other health concerns (such as diabetes).
What are the risk factors for odontogenic tumor?
The risk factors for developing an odontogenic tumor include age and family history. The average age of onset is between 20 and 30 years old, but the disease can happen at any time during a person's life.
- Family history also plays a role in whether or not someone will develop an odontogenic tumor. If a parent or sibling has had one of these tumors, you might be more likely to get one yourself—but this isn't always true!